Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Fun Fact
Saturday, December 3, 2011
This game make me nut!!!!

perhatian kpd penduduk malaysia!!!

p/s: just nk bgth..^^
n utk menjamin kan kslamatan korg...
Monday, November 21, 2011
Yea!!! Malaysia Win!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011
Sukan SEA Indonesia 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Tasik Galilee

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
spaiderman and wolverine not going to be in 'Avenger' movie 2012
J.K. Rowling’s Confession Moves the Web

The writer admitted as much to none other than Daniel Radcliffe, the star of the Harry Potter movies. The actor interviewed the scribe as part of a special feature to the DVD out Nov. 11, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2", which leaked early on the Web, the Guardianreported.
In the short, Radcliffe tells Rowling that he was sure one of the three main characters "had to buy it." That's when the scribe of the beloved books owns up that Harry's best friend almost didn't make it.
She says, "Funnily enough, I planned from the start that none of them would die. Then midway through, which I think is a reflection of the fact that I wasn't in a very happy place, I started thinking I might polish one of them off. Out of sheer spite." Thankfully for fans of Weasley, including his love interest, Hermione, J.K. Rowling never followed through with the thought.
Awas dengan fesyen Tudung anda!!!

Mengenai penyerupaan/peniruan kepada orang kafir, Nabi -sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam- bersabda; "Sesiapa menyerupai satu kaum, ia dari kaum tersebut" (HR Imam Abu Daud dari Ibnu Umar). Menurut Imam Ibnu Kathir; hadis ini merupakan larangan keras terhadap perbuatan meniru orang kafir sama ada dalam ucapan, perbuatan, pakaian, perayaan, ibadah dan sebagainya yang tidak disyariatkan untuk kita (umat Islam). (Lihat; Tafsir al-Quran al-Adziem, surah al-Baqarah, ayat 104).
Namun para ulamak menjelaskan; maksud peniruan/penyerupaan kepada orang kafir atau orang fasik yang dilarang ialah yang khusus bagi sesuatu kaum kafir atau fasiq iaitu yang menggambarkan indentiti mereka, seperti; salib (yang melambangkan agama kristian), sabit dan penukul (lambang komunis), lambang nazi, pakaian-pakaian orang fasiq (seperti gaya berpakaian artis-artis Barat), gaya-gaya rambut orang fasik dan sebagainya. Adapun pakaian yang dipakai oleh orang ramai tanpa mengira agama dan bangsa seperti seluar, baju kemeja, kot dan sebagainya atau berlaku kesamaan/keserupaan secara kebetulan seperti jubah litup yang dipakai oleh imam-imam, ulamak-ulamak dan dipakai juga oleh paderi-paderi Kristian dan Yahudi, kopiah yang dipakai oleh orang-orang Islam dan turut dipakai oleh sebahagian penganut bukan Islam (seperti orang Yahudi), tudung kepala (yang turut dipakai juga oleh paderi-paderi wanita kristian) dan sebagainya, penyerupaan/kesamaan secara umum atau kebetulan ini tidaklah termasuk dalam larangan hadis kerana ia bukan bersifat khusus bagi sesuatu kaum kafir atau melambangkan identiti agama mereka.
Google Translate Menghina Islam!!!
Lihat bagaimana mereka menghina kita...
1) buka Google Translate
2) pilih untuk terjemahan 'English' to 'Malay'
3) masukan perkataan 'myQuran' lihat terjemahannya apa?
4) cuba pilih perkataan lain.. contoh.. mySelipar / myBaju / myCar atau sebagainya...
ia tak dapat diterjemahkan dari 'English' to 'Malay'
adakah ia suatu kebetulan atau kesilapan?
"kt translation tu ada tanda rate the translation..cukup 1000 org report offensive nnt dia buang"
1) pergi ke tanda ✔ di hujung terjemahan, klik
2) menu akan terpapar. klik OFFENSIVE
semoga usaha yg tak seberapa ini membantu menyelamatkan Islam dari terus dihina. amiin...
tolong sebarkan. sekian,tq
Friday, October 28, 2011
How is the world going to end according to Islam al-Quran?
Minor signs are events of normal nature prophesised by our Prophet Muhammed to take place before Qiyamah like the consumption of alcohol, lifting of knowledge and prevalence of ignorance and immorality and signs of this nature. The majority of the minor signs have appeared while some are occurring and some will appear with major signs.
Major signs ae events of extraordinary nature prophesied by our Prophet to take place before Qiyamah like all the events mentioned in the following hadith narrated by Hudhaifa ibn Usayd that the Prophet said, 'The last hour will not arrive till you have seen ten signs. He then mentioned the Smoke, Dajjal, Beast, Rising of the Sun from the place of it's setting, the Descent of Isa, Ya'juj Ma'juj, Three Landslides, one in the East , one in the West and one in the Arabian Peninsula after that a Fire would spread from Yemen and drive the people to their place of gathering.' (Muslim)
The Signs of Imaam Mahdi
1) He will be from the progeny of the Prophet and descendent of Fatimah (R.A). Umme Salama (R.A) reported: I heard the Prophet of Allah () saying, "The Mahdi will appear from my progeny, from the descendants of Fatimah." (Abu Daud)
Only some of the signs that will precede Imaam Mahdi and of the Mahdi himself have been gathered in this book. The true Mahdi, the one referred to in the Ahadith of Prophet as one of the signs of Qiyamah, is the one in whom the pre-mentioned signs are found.
Dajjal's Physical description
The Dajjal is a young1 fat 2 man, wheatish3 in complexion with a broad chest 4 and biting teeth. Resembling Abdul Uzzah bin Qatad from the tribe of Khuza'a his head is covered7 with curly hair8
Conquering Constantinople with Takbir, the Muslims will begin to take the booty. While they are distributing the war posses- sions a proclaimer will proclaim that the Dajjal has appeared and causing fitna in your homes. On hearing this cry the Muslims will leave the booty and head towards Syria1. It will come to their knowledge that this was a false rumour. However after reaching Syria the Dajjal will truly emerge. He will come out from a road between Syria and Iraq2 and his emergence will become known in Isfahan3 at a place called Yahoodah. Riding a white ass4, the two ears of which will be forty hands apart, 70,000 Jew's of Isfahan will follow him with hoods on their heads. Also accompanied by Devils6 and Jewish magicians7 he will first claim Prophethood8 and then God hood. Travelling as fast as those clouds which are driven by the winds he will travel to east and west entering every country, carrying out murders, pillage, devastation and performing unusual feats wherever he goes9.
Safe Haven of Makkah and Madinah
The Dajjal will remain on earth for 40 days, the first of which will be a year long, second a month , the third a week, and the remaining 37 days like our normal days, moving from city to another causing fitna1. Finally he will proceed towards Makkah and Madina2 but he will be unable to enter these holy cities, Masjid Tur and Masjid al-Aqsa3. Every time he tries to enter these holy places, angels guarding these holy cities with swords in their hand will encounter him and chase him away, leaving Dajjal stationed behind Uhud4. Meanwhile, earthquakes will hit Madinah thrice and all the hypocrites will be forced to leave5.
Losing hope of entering these holy places, Dajjal will turn towards Syria. Imaam Mahdi will already have arranged a Muslim army and will be on the verge of leading the Muslims in morning prayer when Prophet Jesus will descend and Kill the Dajjal. (Usamah / Ibne Majah)
Ya'juj Ma'juj (Gog and Magog)
The emergence of the mighty tribes of Ya'juj and Ma'juj is also a major sign of Qiyamah.
Allah says in the Qur'an, "When Ya'juj and Ma'juj are let loose (from their Barrier) and they swiftly swarm from every mound" (Surah Al-Anbiya)
Allah says in the Qur'an, " (Zulqarnain) said, 'This is a mercy from my Lord, but when the promise of my Lord comes, He shall level it down (the barrier) to the ground. And the promise of my Lord is ever true." (Surah Al-Kahf)
Zainab-b-Zahash says: "Once the Prophet awoke from such a sleep that his face was red and these words were on his tongue, "There is none worthy of worship but Allah. Destruction is upon the Arabs on account of that evil which has come close to them. Today a hole as big as this has opened in the wall of Yajuj and Ma'juj. (The Prophet indicated the size of the hole with his finger and thumb)" (Bukhari/Muslim)
In the lengthy Hadith of Nawwas-b-Saman it has been mentioned, "And Allah will send Yajuj and Ma'juj and they will come from every lofty place." (Muslim)
three soor will be blown , the time between two soor will be 40 years each. .And finally earth will be destroyed and all the humans will be resurrected for the final judgment with Allah..........
Prophet Muhammad - The Most Influential Man in History from the book by Michael Hart
Ranking of the twenty from the list of 100:
Sunday, October 23, 2011
playing badminton with friend
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Naruto n Naruto shippuden opening song

(biru), dan telah beramal puluh ribu tahun lamanya .
2) Apabila Allah swt. memerintahkannya supaya tunduk menghormati Nabi Adam,
mereka telah ingkar. Allah swt. melaknat dan perintah turun ke bumi. Jin
terbahagi kepada dua iaitu Jin Islam dan Syaitan. Jin Islam pula terbahagi
kepada dua iaitu Jin Islam(Soleh) dan Jin Tidak Islam (Tidak Soleh).
Syaitan yang turun kesemuanya jahat (tidak Islam).
4) Makanannya dari Api (Asap). Itu sebab orang-orang Melayu dilarang
mengunakan kemenyan kerana Jin paling suka dengan asap yang busuk. Tetapi
orang-orang melayu ini degil, suka sangat dengan asap kemenyan. Beliau
menambah, orang-orang yang suka hisap rokok itu, adik-beradik jin lah tuu.
(terkena?? hahaha..)
5) Tempat tinggal Jin seperti di awan, sungai, hutan, lombong, laut,
tempat-tempat tinggi (KLCC), tandas dan kubur.
6) Beliau menasihat apabila ingin buang air di perjalanan (contohnya
jalanraya), perlu baca " SalaMun, 'Ala Sulaiman, Fil 'alamin." Mengikut
sirahnya jin sangat takut dengan Nabi Sulaiman. Orang-orang Melayu suka
sangat membaca ucapan, "Ampun Datuk, Anak cucu tumpang lalu" Masa bila
pulak jin dapat pangkat datuk. Dan masa bila pula, kita jadi cucu cicit jin
!!!! (terkena lagi?? hahaha..)
7) Jin tidak mengetahui akan alam ghaib, itu sebab jika ada dukun atau
bomoh yang tahu menilik-nilik nasib, pembohong...." Sirahnya apabila Nabi
Sulaiman, memerintahkan jin untuk membina istananya, sehingga Nabi Sulaiman
meninggal pun jin tidak perasan/tahu.
Semasa itu Nabi Sulaiman duduk di kerusinya dengan tongkat kayu. Dan jin
tekun membuat kerja di hadapan-nya. Sehingga anai-anai memakan tongkatnya
dan tongkat tersebut reput dan jatuh serta Nabi Sulaiman pun jatuh, maka
barulah tahu oleh jin bahawa Nabi Sulaiman telah mangkat.
Manusia juga dilarang membuang air di lombong-lombong yang airnya
tenang, terutama di waktu tengah malam. Jin suka mandi di situ, waktu itu.
Di larang juga buang air di lubang-lubang (tanah).
9) Rumah-rumah yang lama tidak berpenghuni atau rumah yang baru siap belum
duduk lagi, jin suka tinggal di situ. Sebelum duduk rumah baru, di galakkan
membaca surah Al-Baqarah, sehingga habis. Jin lari selama 3 hari. Tidak
perlu tepung tawar bagai.... orang melayu suka sangat menepung tawar !!!
10) Jika budak menangis tengah-tengah malam, azankan 7-10 kali, jika tidak
bacakan ayat Kursi dengan cara 9 kali henti (tekniknya) sebab beliau pernah
jumpa orang yang di rasuk.
* Kalau rajin.. Tolong sebarkan maklumat ini kepada saudara Muslim Muslimat
yang lain. Ilmu yang bermanfaat ialah salah satu amal yang berkekalan bagi
orang yang mengajarnya meskipun dia sudah mati.
Friday, September 30, 2011
shotcut virus problem?
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Penjelasan tentang kemunculan Dajjal
Dajjal hampir muncul kerana keadaan zaman ketika ini yang telah menunjukkan beberapa tanda kemunculannya. Walhal, ia bukanlah seekor raksasa, atau sejenis binatang yang mengaum. Tanda-tanda kemunculannya ialah berlakunya banyak gempa bumi. Tetapi bukan disebabkan Dajjal sedang menyorok di bawah sana.. WaLlahua'lam.
Friday, September 16, 2011
psp vita

The device features a "super oval"-shape similar to the design of the original PlayStation Portable, with a 5-inch (130 mm) OLEDcapacitive touchscreen in the center of the device.[13] The device features two analog sticks (unlike the PSP which features only a single analog "nub"), a D-pad, a set of standard PlayStation face buttons (,
), two shoulder buttons (L and R), a PlayStation button and Start and Select buttons. Internally, the device features a quad-core ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore processor (3 of the 4 cores will be usable for applications)[14] and a quad-core SGX543MP4 + GPU clocked at 266 MHz. The device also features a rear touch pad, a front camera, a rear camera, stereo speakers, microphone, Sixaxis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer), three-axis electronic compass, built-in GPS (only for the 3G version) as well as Wi-Fi, 3G, and Bluetooth 2.1+EDR connectivity.[4][11][8][13][15] The two cameras feature the abilities of face detection, head detection, and head tracking. It also allows for customization and personalization.[16][17] The PlayStation Vita will have 512 MB of RAM and 128 MB of VRAM.[5][6] The amount of RAM allows cross-game chat to be used on the system (in contrast to the PlayStation 3, which only has 256 MB of RAM).[6]
The PlayStation Vita will be released as two different versions: one with 3G support, and a cheaper version without 3G support.[18] The more expensive 3G-version will also come pre-loaded with some special applications that take advantage of 3G's "always-on" capabilities, such as augmented reality software.[19] The 3G service will be partnered with AT&T in the US.
Unlike the PSP, the PlayStation Vita will not support video output or contain a removable battery.[20] PS Vita is equipped with the storage media slot in addition to the new game medium slot, so that users can choose what memory capacity they want depending on their use.